Technology and Information Section

Section members

Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Science and Techology of Information

Activity report of the TSI section for 2014.

Activity plan of the TSI section for 2015.

STI MEETING, 28.04.2015
Dear Colleagues,
I am sending you below the Agenda of the Meeting of the TSI Section, dated 28.04.2015.
With due consideration,
Paul Sterian
Meeting of the Department of Science and Information Technology within AOSR, 28.04.2015, 17.00, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall
1. Scientific communication : “An analysis of the design of reception circuits used in modern applications on co-axial cable”.
Presented by : Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Mircea C. Bodea – Corresponding Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and Dr. Eng. Silvian C. Spiridon
2. Editorial staff.
3. Miscellaneous.

Meeting of the Department of Science and Information Technology within the AOSR, 24.02.2015, 17.00, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall

1. Mr. CSI Dr. Eng. Cornel Cobianu – Full Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, presents the Scientific Communication: “High Efficiency Coupling Devices for Guided Wave Radar Based Level Sensors”.
2. Adoption by vote of the members of the TSI Section of some Decisions.
3. Editorial staff.
4. Miscellaneous.

Meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, 27.01.2015, 17.00, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall


1. Approval of the Activity Report of the TSI Section for 2014.
2. Approval of the Business Plan of the TSI Section for 2015.
3. AOSR Anniversary General Assembly (Friday, March 27, 2015) _
3. Proposals of the TSI Section for the AOSR Editorial Plan for 2015.
4. Editorial staff.
5. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the Department of Science and Information Technology within AOSR, Tuesday, November 25, 2014, at 5:00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall,
1. Mr. Prof. univ. dr. eng. Gheorghe Brezeanu – full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, presents the Scientific Communication Power supplies for LEDs”.
2. Celebration of Mr. Prof. univ. dr. eng. Ştefan Iancu, founding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Department of Science and Information Technology, on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
3. Editorial staff.
4. Miscellaneous

The meeting of the Department of Science and Information Technology within AOSR, Tuesday, 28.10.2014, 5.00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall,
1. Mr. Prof. univ. emeritus, Dr. Eng. Paul E. Sterian – full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists presents the Scientific Communication “Quantum modeling of telepathy”.
2. Editorial staff.
3. Miscellaneous
Meeting of the Information Science and Technology Section within AOSR, Tuesday, 30.09.2014, 5.00 pm, at AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall,
1. Mr. CS1, Dr. Eng. Cătălin Spulber – full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists presents the Scientific Communication : “Methods for increasing the informational content in the images provided by the observation equipment at night and in difficult conditions”
2. Celebration of Professor Univ. Dr. Dan Alexandru IORDACHE, honorary member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Department of Science and Information Technology, on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
3. Editorial staff.
4. Miscellaneous

The meeting of the Department of Science and Information Technology within AOSR, Tuesday, 24.06.2014, at 5:00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall,

1. Mr. Prof. univ.dr. Eng. Ştefan Iancu – full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, presents the communication entitled: ” Modern economic organization and culture dedicated to increasing the efficiency of knowledge
2. Editorial staff.
3. Miscellaneous

Meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, Tuesday, 15.04.2014, 5.00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall,
1. Ştefan Trăuşan- Matu – corresponding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and Dr. eng. Mihai Dascalu, presents the communication entitled : The online operational platform for the management of the publication “THE ANNALS OF THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, SERIES ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF INFORMATION ”- realization and implementation

2. Editorial staff

3. Miscellaneous

The meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, 25.03.2014, 5.00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall,

1. Dr. Silvian Spiridon and Prof. Dr. Eng . Mircea Bodea – full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, presents the scientific communication:

“An Analysis of the Design of Broadband Transmission Circuits Used in Modern Coaxial Cable Applications.”

Meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, 25.02.2014, 5.00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall

1. Mr. CIS Dr. Eng. Cornel Cobianu, full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists presents the scientific paper: ” A New Concept for on-Chip Differential Resonant Gyro and Pressure Nanosensor”,
3. Miscellaneous.
Meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, January 28, 2014, 5:00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall

1. Approval of the Activity Report of the TSI Section for 2013.
2. Approval of the Business Plan of the TSI Section for 2014.
3. The proposals of the TSI Section for the AOSR Editorial Plan for 2014
4 . Publishing team.
5. Miscellaneous.
Presented by : Prof. univ. Dr. Paul Sterian
CSI Dr. Catalin Spulber,
full members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
2. Editorial staff.
3. Miscellaneous.
Presented by: Prof. Dr. Sterian, PhD, full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
2. Discussion of the proposals of the TSI Works Section for the AOSR Awards for 2012
3 . Publishing team.
4. Miscellaneous.
The meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, 24.09.2013, at 5:00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall.
1. Scientific communication: Methodologies for simulating the basic performance of thermal vision systems”.
Presented by: CSI Dr. Eng. Catalin Spulber, full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
2 . Publishing team.
3. Miscellaneous.

Meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, 23.04.2013, 5.00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall
1. Scientific communication : Determining intertextuality”. Presented by : Prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Ștefan Trăușan, corresponding member.
2 . Publishing team.
3. Miscellaneous.

Meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, 26.02.2013, at 5:00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “Human Rights” hall

1. Scientific communication : Modular architecture of the low frequency part of monolithic CMOS multi-standard radio receivers”.
Presented by: Eng. Silvian C. Spiridon , Prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Mircea C. Bodea

2 . Publishing team.

3. Miscellaneous.

The meeting of the Department of Information Science and Technology within AOSR, 29.01 .2013 , 5.00 pm, at the AOSR headquarters, “ Human Rights ” hall.

1. Approval of the Activity Report of the TSI Section for 2012.

2. Approval of the Business Plan of the TSI Section for 2013.

3. The proposals of the TSI Section for the AOSR Awards for 2012.

4. Proposals of the TSI Section for the AOSR Editorial Plan for 2013.

6. Editorial staff.

7. Miscellaneous

Scientific papers in the department in 2012

Nr.crt Communication title Authors (moderators) Date of claim Venue
1. Activity report of the TSI Section for 2011 and Activity plan for 2012 (Debate) Prof. Dr. Sterian, PhD, President of the department 31.01.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
2. Music and computer science Prof. Dr. Eng. Stefan Trăuşan-Matu 28.02.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
3. Physical information theory for complex systems, versus (vs) communication theory Prof.univ.dr.fiz.Dan Alexandru Iordache 27.03.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
4. A vision on resonant NEMS sensor roadmap CSI Dr. Eng. Cornel Cobianu 24.04.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
5. Space, time and integrative science. Iancu 26.06.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
6. The phenomenon of entanglements and its applications in quantum cryptography. Paul E. Steriansi Eng. Drd. Octavian Danila. 25.09.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
7. The online platform for managing the publication “THE ANNALS OF THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, SERIES ON SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGY OF INFORMATION” (Part One) Prof. univ. Dr. Stefan Trausan-Matusi Dr. Dr. Mihai Dascalu 30.10.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
8. The online platform for managing the publication “THE ANNALS OF THE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, SERIES ON SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGY OF INFORMATION” (Part Two) Prof. univ. Dr. Stefan Trausan-Matusi Dr. Dr. Mihai Dascalu 27.11.2012 AOSR – Human Rights Hall

Scientific papers in the department in 2011

Nr. No. Communication title Authors (moderators) Date of claim Venue
1. Ways
algebraic in the semantic analysis of texts
Prof. Dr. Eng. Stefan Trăuşan-Matu 22.02.2011 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
2. Software Defined Radio Receivers – From Standard to specifications Eng. Silvian C. Spiridon , Mircea Bodea 22.03.2011 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
3. Photonics in Europe and in the world Prof. Dr. Paul Sterian 26.04.2011 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
4. Participation of ITS Section members in the AOSR Spring Scientific Session Prof. Dr. Paul Sterian 31.05.2011 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
5. Steps in the development of information and communication science and technology in Romania Iancu 27.09.2011 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
6. Sources of thermography errors CSI Dr. Catalin Spulber, 25.10.2011 AOSR – Human Rights Hall
7. Advanced methods for submicron MOS transistors Gheorghe Brezeanu 29.11.2011 AOSR – Human Rights Hall