PHOTO Symposium “Slove Muscelene”, 15th Edition, 13-14 July 2023, Câmpulung Muscel


Turning libraries into digital culture hubs

The Academy of Romanian Scientists through the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu” (ICAI), together with partners: the Central University Library “Carol I”, the National Institute for Research and Development in Computer Science – ICI Bucharest, the National Museum of Romanian Literature, the County Library “George Barițiu” in Brasov, the University Foundation “Carol I” and the DigiLib Muscel Association organize the 15th edition of the “Slove Muscelene” symposium on “Transforming libraries into digital culture hubs“.

This year’s edition is a jubilee edition that marks 15 years since the initiation of a national scientific event, which has become international over time, which will be held in a hybrid way, with physical presence in Câmpulung Muscel, Villa Golescu and online participation for other guests from the country and abroad (France, Croatia, Cyprus, Sweden).

As in previous editions, academics, university professors, researchers, historians, historians, computer scientists, directors of major libraries, publishers and companies working in the field will be invited to the event to discuss the importance of digital transformation in libraries and other cultural institutions. The impressions of the participants of the various editions will be published in a volume to be launched at the event.

The event also signifies the preservation of the “Slove Muscelene” tradition, started 15 years ago, which was attended by many personalities, such as the vice-president of the Romanian Academy and rectors of universities, directors of large institutions, prestigious researchers in library science, history, computer science. This year, the organisers have set up the Slove scholarship, worth 1000 Euro, which will be awarded to a young librarian for a training period abroad.

Please note that the entire event was and is financially supported exclusively by the organizers (Information about the editions of the “Slove Muscelene” symposium can be found at


Thursday, 13.07.2023
10:30 – 11:00 Registration of participants
11:00 – 12:00 Opening of the proceedings, Word from the organisers and Messages from the Officials
12:00 – 13:00 Funding libraries for digital transformation through the NRRP
Presentation by representatives of the Authority for the Digitisation of Romania
13:00 – 13:30 Coffee break
Recital – Mădălina Lupu
13:30 – 14:00 Launch of the book “Slove muscelene – jubilee edition – 15 years”
14:00 Musical moment performed by baritone Alexandru Chiriac – soloist of Brasov State Opera
14:30 – 15:00 “Slove” Scholarship Awarding
Silvan Stâncel Recital
Meeting of the National Library Commission (for commission members only)
Programme provided by the organisers
15:00 – 16:30 Lunch offered at “Vila Golescu”
16:30 – 18:30 Visiting the historical sites of the Muscel area
Presentation of folk costumes from the Muscel area
Friday, 14.07.2023
10:00 – 13:00 Round table (conducted online)
Turning libraries into digital culture hubs
Moderators: Acad. Florin Filip – Romanian Academy and Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu – Vice-President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
13:00 End of the proceedings