

HONORARY CHAIRMAN: – Prof. univ. dr. eng. Adrian Alexandru Badea

AOSR PRESIDENT: Prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu
VICE-PRESIDENT: Prof. univ. dr. eng. Anton Hadăr

VICE-PRESIDENT: Prof. Viorel Jinga, PhD

SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY: Prof. dr. eng. Petru Andea

The presidents of the scientific departments
Branch presidents

Section I – Mathematical Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Mihail Megan
Section II – Physical Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Mărgărit Pavelescu
Section III – Chemical Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. eng. Ecaterina Andronescu
Section IV – Biological Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Natalia Rosoiu
Section V – Geonomic Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Buliga

Section VI – Technical Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. eng. Miron Zapciu
Section VII – Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Agatha-Mariana Popescu
Section VIII – Medical Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Vasile Sârbu

Section IX – Economic, legal and sociological sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Brătianu
Section X – Philosophy, Psychology, Theology and Journalism – Prof. univ. Mihai Bădescu
Section XI – Historical and Archaeological Sciences – Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Onișoru

Section XII – Information Science and Technology – Prof. univ. dr. eng. Dumitru Popescu
Section XIII – Military Sciences – General Prof. univ. dr. Teodor Frunzeti

Brasov – Lucian-Ionel Cioca – President
Doru Ursutiu – Vice-President
Camelia Cristina Dragomir-Pânzaru – Member

Bucharest – Doru Delion – President
Horia Iovu – Vice-President
Gheorghe-Andrei Dan – Member
Ciprian Iliescu – Member
Horia Necula- Member
Verginia Vedinas – Member
Camelia Petrescu – Member

Cluj-Napoca – Marius Bojiță – President
Vasile Cozma -Vice President
Gheorghe Morosanu -Member

Constanta – Victor Ciupină – President
His Eminence Theodosius – Vice-President
Alexandru Bologa – Scientific Secretary

Iasi – Nicolae Țăranu – President
Vasile Burlui- Vice President
Gheorghe Mustață – Member
Constantin Fetecău – Member
Maricel Agop – Member

Piatra Neamt – Gogu Ghiorghiță – President
Răzeșu Virgil – Vice-President
Antohe Neculai – Member

Targoviste – Ion V. Popescu – President
Marius Petrescu – Vice-President
Cristinel Mortici – Scientific Secretary

Timișoara – Mussuroi Sorin – President
Gallia Butnaru – Vice-President
Nicolae Avram – Scientific Secretary

Head of Personnel, Payroll and Secretariat – Dr. ec. Baptize Mary

Head of Economic-Administrative Service – Dr. ec. Valentina Vlăduțu

Head of Library Publishing Service – Eng. Mihail Calrutasu