Invitation to the lecture
The art of enjoying art in the framework of the National Conference ,,Valențele feminității”, held under the aegis of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, supported by Conf. PhD Mariana Cîmpeanu
Taken as a transcendental form of communication, art, in all its forms of expression, accompanies man in his evolution. Human experiences, events, concepts or attitudes can be transformed into an artistic image. Through his work, the artist conveys not only his own message, but also concrete facts about the role and place of art in society. Religion, philosophy, science, social or political life are just some of the aspects that we may or may not capture in the artistic act.
The work of art is the result of a process of creative activity, which in turn precedes a series of subjective reactions to ourselves, helping us to reflect on reality, knowledge and self-awareness. Even if today art tends to become an end in itself, it has not yet lost its other roles acquired over time (aesthetic, educational, communicative, cathartic, therapeutic, commercial, treasuring, …).
13 March 2024, 16.00
The Romanian Academy of Scientists Headquarters
Bucharest, Str. Ilfov, Nr. 3