26 – 28 June 2024, The Academy of Romanian Scientists
Special Guest: Mário CAMPOLARGO, ICT Expert

Former Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation – Government of Portugal
Former Director General DG Informatics DIGIT – European Commission

Mário Campolargo was also Director for “Future Networks” in DG CONNECT, dealing with policy development and research supporting the Digital Single Market from the angles of 5G networks, IoT, Cloud and Next Generation Internet. Before he was Director for “Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures”, responsible for FET (Future and Emerging Technologies), ICT based infrastructures for science and ICT trust and security.

Before joining the European Commission in 1990, he worked for 12 years in the R&D Centre of Portugal Telecom as a researcher and manager.

He holds a Degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Coimbra, a Master of Science in Computing Science from Imperial College London, a Post graduate in Management from Solvay Business School Brussels and a European Studies Diploma from Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve.

ICT expert Mário CAMPOLARGO, visiting at the Romanian Academy of Scientists

At the invitation of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, ICT expert Mário Campolargo, former Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization in the Portuguese Government and former Director General of DG Informatics DIGIT – European Union, a leading figure in the field of digitization in Europe, is visiting Romania, where he is participating in a series of meetings and events under the theme The Digital Transformation of Europe .

The program of Mário Campolargo‘s visit to Romania , organized by the Romanian Academy of Scientists,includes meetings with personalities and leaders in the field of digitalization, visits to institutions and universities in Bucharest and in the country, discussions and round tables on the Digital Transformation of Europe, a process of great complexity and importance for the present and the future. In this framework, the European expert will have meetings with the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Bogdan Gruia Ivan, and with the President of the Romanian Digitization Authority, Dragos-Cristian Vlad.

The first item on the agenda of the event is the visit of the prestigious expert to the Academy of Romanian Scientists, where he will meet with the management team of the institution and members of the Academy. On the same day, June 26, 2024, from 3:00 p.m., also at the AOSR headquarters, a meeting of Mr. Mário Campolargo with representatives of ICT companies involved in the digital transformation process is scheduled, with the theme: The cloud vision in the new paradigm of digital transformation. .

On Friday, at the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Mr. Mário Campolargo will participate in a round table on “Europe’s Digital Transformation”.