The “Fifth Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications”, 26-28 May 2023

The “Fifth Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications” will take place in Craiova, on 26-28 May 2023, under the auspices of the following institutions:
  • Academy of Romanian Scientists
  • Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca
  • Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis in Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Academy
  • University of Craiova.
The aim of this conference is to bring together Romanian researchers (from Romania and from abroad) working on various subjects in mathematical analysis and its applications. Foreign participants are also welcome (in this case English will be the language of the corresponding sessions).
This edition of RISMAA continues the ideas expressed by Professor Gheorghe Moroșanu when he launched RISMAA in 2017. He said that “meetings organized in different places of the country can occasionally bring together researchers from different institutions to form large strong research groups.” Of course, this facilitates a rapid exchange of ideas and significant scientific progress. “Although there are excellent means of communication nowadays, face-to-face conversations cannot be replaced by anything else, so regular meetings are absolutely necessary,” he said.

Therefore, we prefer physical participation. However, taking into account the covid pandemic of recent years that may continue in 2023, for this edition of RISMAA, online participation will be exceptionally accepted.
The same areas as in the previous editions of RISMAA will be covered, namely:
  • Calculus of Variations
  • Evolution Equations
  • Functional Analysis
  • Geometric Analysis
  • Integral Equations
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Operator Theory
  • Optimal Control
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Optimization Theory
  • Set-valued Analysis
as well as various applications in Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Economics, Mechanics, Medicine, Physics, etc.