The Presidium of AOSR announces with deep sadness the departure of Prof.Univ.Dr. Silviu Negruț


* PhD Professor Silviu NEGUȚ *
February 1, 1945, Vadu-Pașii, Buzău County – September 15, 2024, Bucharest

Silviu Neguț – Vice President of the Romanian Geography Society, Founder and Director (2004-2013) of the Master’s program Geopolitics and Business, Faculty of Business and Tourism (formerly Commerce), Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest and honorary member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists – was born in a village in the plains (Vadu Pașii, Buzău County) and started his journey of knowledge in the field of geography, building a prestigious career as a scientist.

How many generations of Romanians have not read the book “Superlative geografice. Mica enciclopedie” – authors: Silviu Negut, Ion Nicolae, Ion Creangă Publishing House, 1978?

Professor Neguț has excelled, with inspiration and creativity, in research fields such as Quantitative/Mathematical Geography, Human and Economic Geography, Environmental Geography, Geography of Tourism, Geopolitics and Geostrategy. Editor/Editor-in-Chief (for 20 years) at Editura Enciclopedică/Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, PhD since 1984 at the University of Bucharest, PhD Professor (for 30 years), Vice-Dean (1993-2008) and Dean (2008-2012) of the Faculty of International Economic Relations/REI (ASE Bucharest), professor emeritus (2012-2024), Faculty of Business and Tourism (ASE Bucharest), publicist, author of a scientific and encyclopedic work of reference in the Romanian specialized literature, author of textbooks/university courses for many classes of pupils/students, etc.a., Silviu Neguț has mentored 25 graduates with doctor of science degrees.

Honorary member of the AOSR, Professor Neguț was awarded with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Petrol-Gas University of Ploiești, 2014, the title of “Professor Emeritus” awarded by the Academy of Economic Studies/Ministry of Education and Research, 2012, the Diploma of “Professor Emeritus” awarded by AFER (Association of Romanian Faculties of Economics), 2010, the Diploma for outstanding merits in promoting scientific research (CNCSIS / Ministry of Education and Research), 2008 and the “Simion Mehedinți” Award of the Romanian Academy for the book “Mathematical Modeling in Human Geography” (the highest scientific award in Romania), 1999.

The Presidium and the Section of Economic, Juridical and Sociological Sciences of the Romanian Academy of Scientists send their sincere condolences to the bereaved family.
God rest his soul!

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Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România este continuatorul și unicul legatar al Academiei de Știinte din România (1935 – 1948) și al Asociației Oamenilor de Știință din România înființată prin HCM nr. 1012/30 mai 1956, care în 1996 și-a schimbat titulatura în Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România. În anul 2007 a fost adoptată Legea nr. 31-15 ianuarie 2007 privind reorganizarea și funcţionarea AOSR. Printre membrii de onoare ai ASR s-au numărat următorii laureați ai premiului Nobel (conform Buletinului nr 11 din 1943 al ASR): Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin (fizicieni francezi), Max Born, Werner-Karl Heisenberg (fizicieni germani), Paul Sabatier (chimist francez), Hans Fischer , Friedrich Bergius (chimisti germani), Paul Karrer (chimist elveţian) şi George Emil Palade (medic român ), membru al AOSR. Conform evaluării instituționale Scimago/ ELSEVIER , bazată pe vizibilitatea științifică internațională a membrilor săi, AOSR ocupă locul 22/Romania și 775/lume în clasamentul instituțiilor de cercetare și învățământ superior.