The “Romania of knowledge” project has been launched


Academics and university professors want to offer the political class, who make the decisions, but also companies in the country a free and impartial expertise on how to solve some of the problems facing Romanian society.

Article by Radiojournal , 14 May 2024

Leading personalities from the country’s academies and universities will provide politicians and decision-makers with a set of conclusions and solutions on how Romania can develop through education, science, research and technology.

The “Romania of Knowledge” project was launched today by the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest.

Academics and university professors want to offer the political class, who make the decisions, but also companies in the country a free and impartial expertise on how to solve some of the problems facing Romanian society.

One of the major concerns is the major demographic decline, which is having a strong impact on the economy through a lack of skilled workers.

Moreover, the project “Romania of Knowledge: is structured on areas such as Education, Research and Innovation, Communications, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Efficient and Sustainable Development, but also Reindustrialisation, Efficient and Ecological Agriculture, Culture, Civilisation, Spirituality, Health, Energy and Mineral Resources, Human Resources, Social Policies, Ecology, Environment, Climate Change, Defence, Public Order and National Security. Each project theme will be coordinated by one or two leading personalities in the field.

The working groups are open to specialists from all academies established by law, from prestigious universities, from the Romanian Parliament and other public institutions.