The Academy of Romanian Scientists awarded scientific excellence


On 19 May 2023, starting at 9.30 am, in the Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I”, the General Assembly of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and the AOSR Awards Gala for 2021 took place .

The AOSR General Assembly had the following items on its agenda:
1. Presentation and approval of the Report on the scientific activity of the AOSR in 2022 and the Financial Report for 2022;
2. Approval of the Draft Statute of the AOSR;
3. Discussion on the documents presented;
4. Voting of candidates for AOSR membership(full members, corresponding members, honorary members and post-mortem honorary members).

The Presidium of the General Assembly was composed of: prof. dr. eng. Adrian Badea, President of AOSR, prof. univ. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice-President, Scientific Researcher I Dr. Doru-Sabin Delion, Vice-President, Prof. Dr. Ing. Petru Andea, Scientific Secretary.

President Adrian Badea presented the general situation of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the priorities for action and the concerted institutional efforts to meet the highest academic standards of the mission enshrined in the Statute, which defines the Academy of Romanian Scientists as a “national forum of scientific consecration”, as well as the Financial Report for 2022.

He informed those present that the AOSR will operate under a new law, Law 121/2023, recently promulgated by the President of Romania, which strengthens the status of the institution and creates a new framework for its development.

Vice President Doru-Sabin Delion presented the scientific research activity of the AOSR, which is at a high level in terms of volume and quality, certified by the presence in databases and the number of citations. Through its research results, the AOSR enjoys international visibility, being included in the prestigious SCIMAGO-Elsevier international ranking.

Only two Romanian academic institutions are present in the top 800 of the world ranking: The Romanian Academy and the Academy of Romanian Scientists. A major element of the AOSR’s work is the annual research programme for young researchers at postdoctoral level, which enjoys great interest and generates national competition. Through this programme to encourage and support young researchers, AOSR participates in the development of Romanian research. Prof. dr. eng. Doina Banciu, Vice President of AOSR and Director General of the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research “Constantin Angelescu”, presented its activity, the projects carried out and in progress and the development lines of the Institute, which pays special attention to the digitization process in the fields of scientific research.

In accordance with Law 121/2023, which stipulates that the Statute of the AOSR is approved by the General Assembly, the main provisions of the new Statute were discussed in the continuation of the work of the General Assembly. It sets out, among other things, new criteria for admission and promotion in the AOSR, as well as the cases in which membership may be lost. After debate, the Statute of the AOSR was approved by the General Assembly by unanimous vote and will be published in the Official Journal, Part I.

Awards Gala 2021 was dedicated to excellence in scientific research and covered the areas of the structure of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Twenty awards were given as follows:
– GEORGE EMIL PALADE AWARD, Terms and expressions used in dentistry. Romanian-French, French-Romanian dictionary,
Authors: Norina Forna, Ioana Grecu, Medical Publishing House, Number of pages 80. Year of release 2021;
DIMITRIE POMPEIU PRIZE, Dynamical systems and differential geometry via MAPLE, Authors: Constantin Udriște, Ionel Tevy, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 240 pages. Year of release 2021;
NICHOLAS GEORGESCU ROEGEN PRIZE, Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania (2 volumes), Capitalism and capitalists without capital in Romania, volume I+II, Author: prof.univ.dr. Florin Georgescu, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Number of pages 631. Year of release 2021;
ANGHEL RUST AWARD, Economic models for managing the COVID-19 pandemic shock. Strategic outline, Author: Emil Dinga, Editura Economică, Number of pages 154. Year of release 2021;
TUDOR POPESCU AWARD, Explanatory dictionary for science and technology. Integrated Quality Management, Authors: Prof. univ. emeritus dr. eng. Constantin Oprean, dr. eng. Alina Vanu, dr. Sebastian Stan, Agir Publishing House, Number of pages 249. Year of release 2021;
– PRIZE C. C. ILIESCU, Pathologia vasculares cerebro-spinală curs practic,
Coordinators: Carmen Adella Sîrbu, Florentina Cristina Pleșa, University Publishing House “Carol Davila”, Number of pages 449. Year of release 2021;
CAROL DAVILA PRIZE, Romanian personalities and contributions in international medicine, Authors: Radu Iftimovici, Dana Baran, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 353 pages. Year of release 2021;
MIRCEA BANCIU PRIZE, Experimental methods in chemical thermodynamics, Authors: Lucian Cristian Pop, Aurora Mocanu, Andrei Zeno, Maria Tomoaia-Cotișel, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, Number of pages 167. Year of release 2021;
HERMANN OBERTH PRIZE, Risk Management, Authors: Muddassar Sarfraz, Larisa Ivașcu, IntechOpen Publishing House, Number of pages 304. Year of release 2021;
MARTIN BERCOVICI PRIZE, Science and technology – paths of progress, Authors: Petru Andea, Attila Simo, Politehnica Publishing House, Number of pages. Year of release 2021;
CONSTANTIN NOICA PRIZE, Ethics and Academic Integrity – Thenoetics, Authors: Petru Andea, Alin Anton, Politehnica Publishing House, Number of pages 192. Year of release 2021;
ANTON BACALBAȘA PRIZE, Philosophy of Integrativity, Author: Ioan N. Roșca, Romanian Foundation of Tomorrow Publishing House, Number of pages 190. Year of release 2021;
VALENTIN ARSENIE PRIZE, Ethics and Leadership, Author: Aura Codreanu, Published by “Carol I” National Defence University, Number of pages 194. Year of release 2021;
MARSHAL CONSTANTIN PREZAN AWARD, TURKEY – Political and security developments and regional implications. Expert study, Author: Dr. Mirela Atanasiu, “Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, 184 pages. Year of Publication 2021;
CORNELIU PENESCU PRIZE, Classical and Modern Algorithms in Signal Processing, Authors: Dan Ștefănoiu, Alexandra Dumitrașcu, Ionuț Șchiopu, Politehnica Press, Number of pages 229. Year of release 2021;
THE STEFAN ODOBLEJA AWARD, Fractional Modeling and Controller Design of Robotic Manipulators, Authors: Abhaya Pal Singh, Dipankar Deb, Himanshu Agrawal Valentina E. Balas, Springer Publishing House, 138 pages. Year of Publication 2021; Handbook of deep learning in biomedical engineering techniques and applications, Authors: Valentina Emilia Balas, Brojo Kishore Mishra, Raghvendra Kumar, Academic Press, Number of pages 298. Year of release 2021;
– GRIGORE GAFENCU AWARD, Stalin and the Russian people… Democracy and dictatorship in contemporary Romania. Volume I: The Premises of Communism. Volume II: Stalinism in Romania,
Author: Gheorghe Onișoru, Corint Publishing House, Number of pages 540 + 444. Year of release 2021;
GHEORGHE BUZATU AWARD, “Downtown San-Georgiu”. Romanians in Sfântu Gheorghe, Covasna county, Author: Ioan Lăcătușu, Eurocarpatica Publishing House, Number of pages 1136. Year of release 2021;
AUREL SACERDOȚEANU PRIZE, Bishop Dr. Partenie Ciopron (1896-1980), Authors: Aurel Pentelescu, Ionuț-Constantin Petcu, Editgraph Publishing House, Number of pages 663. Year of release 2021;
DIMITRIE CANTEMIR AWARD, Between peace and war. The Fanariots in the context of international relations (1774-1812), Author: Vlad Mischevca, Cartdidact Publishing House, 429 pages. Year of release 2021.

During this eventful period, another major science and research event took place on 19 and 20 May: the AOSR Spring Scientific Conference, the current edition of which has the theme “Digital Transformation in Science” . The conference brought together a large number of participants and scientific papers, covering a wide range of topics, from fundamental and avant-garde research areas, to new, original, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, which will be published in the proceedings volume of the event. The conference programme and the volume of abstracts can be found at HERE

On the occasion of these events, the President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, said:
The Academy of Romanian Scientists, through its members, is dedicated to the mission of producing quality research in a wide variety of fields and thus contributing to the progress of Romanian science and research. As an Academy, founded in 1935, with more than 88 years of existence, we exist with a well-defined purpose – and not a circumstantial one – to concentrate real intelligence and values, to be a pole of advanced research and to participate, with all our potential, in the development of the country through knowledge. We approach this process with full good faith and dedication, under the authority of the values of academic ethics and integrity, fairness, conscience and responsibility. Through all its activities, programmes and projects, the Academy of Romanian Scientists, which includes leading personalities of science and education, is a valuable institution of the country for which, more than anything else, the results, visibility and ranking in international hierarchies speak for themselves.”

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
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Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România este continuatorul și unicul legatar al Academiei de Știinte din România (1935 – 1948) și al Asociației Oamenilor de Știință din România înființată prin HCM nr. 1012/30 mai 1956, care în 1996 și-a schimbat titulatura în Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România. În anul 2007 a fost adoptată Legea nr. 31-15 ianuarie 2007 privind reorganizarea și funcţionarea AOSR. Printre membrii de onoare ai ASR s-au numărat următorii laureați ai premiului Nobel (conform Buletinului nr 11 din 1943 al ASR): Louis de Broglie, Jean Perrin (fizicieni francezi), Max Born, Werner-Karl Heisenberg (fizicieni germani), Paul Sabatier (chimist francez), Hans Fischer , Friedrich Bergius (chimisti germani), Paul Karrer (chimist elveţian) şi George Emil Palade (medic român ), membru al AOSR. Conform evaluării instituționale Scimago/ ELSEVIER , bazată pe vizibilitatea științifică internațională a membrilor săi, AOSR ocupă locul 22/Romania și 775/lume în clasamentul instituțiilor de cercetare și învățământ superior.