AOSR expresses its deep sadness at the departure of Professor Anghel Stanciu


The Academy of Romanian Scientists mourns the departure from this world of Prof. dr. eng. Anghel Stanciu, a leading personality of Romanian higher education and science.

Born on August 15, 1949, in Giurgiu county, Anghel Stanciu graduated from the Bucharest Construction Institute, Faculty of Railways, Roads and Bridges, in 1972, and in 1981 he obtained a doctorate in engineering, specializing in “Geotechnics and Foundations”. Since 1972, he has dedicated himself to his academic career, which he has pursued as assistant professor, head of research, lecturer and professor (since 1992). He was a full professor at the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” in Iasi, Faculty of Construction and Hydrotechnics, where he taught “Geotechnics” and “Foundations”. He became a PhD supervisor in 1996. He has carried out a sustained scientific activity, directed towards research in the field of road and bridge construction, with practical applications: reinforced earth solutions in the construction of infrastructures for buildings, experimental study on models of prefabricated foundations, the impact of landslides on land communication routes, new concepts in the analysis of the stability of earth masses, strength, stability, environmental protection for the construction of tunnels, generalization of Coulomb theory in the calculation of thrusts on retaining walls. He has participated in more than 71 research contracts, has coordinated five research grant contracts as project director, has collaborated in the scientific and teaching field with international organisations and associations. He has also participated in congresses, scientific sessions, national and international symposia. He is the author of a scientific work comprising books, university courses, monographs, scientific communications and compendia in the field of civil and industrial construction (115 scientific papers and 16 university courses). His most representative books (as sole author or contributor) are Foundations – Reinforced Earth, 1980; Geotechnics and Foundations – Calculation Examples, Ed. Didactica și Pedagogică, Bucharest, 1983; Structural concrete for accumulations – Gh. Asachi, Iași, 2000; Special Problems of Geotechnics and Foundations, 2002, Junimea Publishing House, Iași; Stanciu A., Lungu I. – Foundations I, Physics and Earth Mechanics – Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 2006.

Professor Anghel Stanciu was a founding full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and president of its Iasi Branch. He was also honorary doctor of U.S.A.M.V. Bucharest; honorary member of ASAS; member of the International Tunneling Association (ITA), since 1993; member of the Romanian Tunnelling Association ART, since 1993, and member of the board of directors since 2003. He received the National Order “Serviciul Credincios” in the rank of Knight for outstanding merits in scientific and teaching activity in 2002 and the same order for outstanding merits in parliamentary activity in 2004.

He was involved in political activity, being one of the Romanian personalities dedicated to the national construction and democratic development of Romania. As a member of the Romanian Parliament, deputy for Iași, since 1992, he has been involved in the legislative and governance process of Romania, carrying out a complex parliamentary activity, materialized by 53 legislative proposals, 227 speeches in the plenary of the two chambers, 39 political statements, 48 questions and interpellations, two motions of censure. He was chairman of the Education Committee of the Chamber of Deputies for almost 10 years, during which time he contributed to the process of reforming Romanian education in the direction of quality and efficiency of advanced education systems in Europe.

As a founding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Professor Anghel Stanciu actively contributed to the post-December reconstruction of the institution – founded in 1935 as the “Romanian Academy of Sciences” – and to the legal foundation of its statute by Law no. 31/2007, when it became an institution of public interest. He was involved with conviction and dedication in the development and affirmation of the AOSR in the national and international academic space, being, through his academic activity and scientific work, one of its emblematic members. He also made a fundamental contribution to the development of the Iasi Section of AOSR, of which he was President.

With the departure of Professor Anghel Stanciu, a personality of great value in Romanian higher education and research, the Academy of Romanian Scientists loses an elite member and a great friend.

With deep sorrow and endless regrets, the community of the Academy of Romanian Scientists mourns this heavy loss and sends its condolences to the bereaved family!

May God rest him and place him among the Righteous!

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

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