Saturday, May 9, 2015, in the EC 104 hall – “Constantin Dinculescu ” Amphitheater, at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest [via Iuliu Maniu Blvd., UPB Station (61, 62, 136, 236, 336) – POLITEHNICA Metro Station] between classes 08.00 – 14.00 , will take place
20th Session of the Center for the Development of Creativity of the Academy of Romanian Scientists
- 08:00 – reception of guests
- 08:05 – presentation of the guests
- 08:10 – presentation of the activity of the UPB-Energetică Student Scientific Circles
- 08:30 – Professional Contest “Creative Thinking – A Reckless Residency of School, Science and Country”
- 02-1 Energy, Alexandru Ionuţ Chiuţă
- 02-2 Engineering creativity, Ion N. Chiuţă
- 02-3 Electrical equipment, Ion N. Chiuţă
Dr. Alexandru Ionuţ Chiuţă , PhD and Marian Dumitrescu , PhD
- 09:30 – “My past is a treasure!”
- 11:00 – Scientific debate “ENERGY-ENVIRONMENT”. Presented by Dr. Alexandru Ionuţ Chiuţă and Dr. Daniel Boţoagă
- 12:00 – presentation of the Center for Science, Foresight, Creativity and Fiction: STRING CENTER Presented by Eng. Mihai Răuţă
- 14:00 – Closing of the session
- Professor Constantin Năstase at the age of 100 . Presented by Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion N. Chiuţă
- Commemoration Prof. Dr. Ionel PURICA – 90 years old. Presented by Dr. Eng. Ionut Purica