We’re saying goodbye to Mrs. Professor Mihaela-Angelica Cărbunaru-Băcescu!


– Corresponding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists –
Prof. PhD, economist
10 July 1969, Bucharest – 22 September 2023

PhD in economics since 1996, with the thesis “Possibilities for improving the statistical-economic analysis of the labour market in a market economy”, Mihaela-Angelica Cărbunaru-Băcescu was a consultant to the General Secretariat of the Romanian Government within the Council for Coordination, Strategy and Economic Reform. The experience he gained was the starting point for his orientation towards scientific research and his subsequent teaching career, being a university professor of statistics and macroeconomics at the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. His teaching activity has been coupled with a sustained research activity, materialized in research and development contracts in which he participated as project leader or expert member of the research team.

His scientific work was oriented towards a topical theme and focused on macroeconomic analysis and policy, equilibrium and disequilibrium in the money market, economic growth, unemployment, inflation. This scientific activity has resulted in a list of 25 books published by Economica București, C.H. Beck, Universitară and AOSR; he is author/co-author of the books: Get to know Romania – Economic and social situation in the context of the crisis (2021), Cunoaște România Centenară (2018), Cunoaște România – Retrospectiva 2007-2013 (Ed. Academiei Române, București, 2016), co-author for Politica monetară si de credit de integrazione europea  (Ed. Universitară, 89 pg., 2014), Politici integratoare antiinflationiste, (Ed. University, 2014), Sustainable Development – Theoretical Basis (Ed. University, 2011), Macroeconomic Engagement andAccountability in Romania, Ed. AOSR, 2012),Country Risk Theoretical Basics, Ed. AOSR, 2011), Statistics – Statistics Basics, 2009; Macroeconomic statistics, 2009; Community Statistics – European System of Accounts, 2004; Macroeconomic analysis, 2002; Macroeconomic statistics, 2001; Macroeconomics of International Economic Relations, 2000; Macroeconomic policies for Romania’s integration into the European Union, 2008; Macroeconomics tests and problems, 2007; Intermediate Macroeconomics, 2004; Macroeconomic Analysis and Macroeconomic Policies, 2002; Compendium of Macroeconomics, 1997; Applied Macroeconomics, 1996; Dictionary of Macroeconomics, 1993, Macroeconomics – the Basics of Macroeconomics, 1993. He has published 23 articles/studies in internationally recognized and listed peer-reviewed journals, 83 articles/studies in national peer-reviewed journals recognized by CNCSIS and in 8 volumes of scientific papers in economics;

A common feature of the published studies was the topicality of the issues addressed, with a clear concern to identify solutions to the problems of decision making in economics. She has authored or co-authored several teaching materials for students.

Mihaela-Angelica Cărbunaru-Băcescu was awarded the Book of the Year Prize for the volume Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies – 1998, obtained at the 8th edition of the National Book Fair in Cluj-Napoca, the Victor Slăvescu Prize for Economics of the Romanian Academy in 2000; the Virgil Madgearu Prize , awarded by the Academy of Romanian Scientists – 2004; Diploma of Excellence for the contribution to the work of the Romanian Statistical Society and the Octav Onicescu Seminar – 2007; Diploma of Excellence for the complex presentation of Romania at the international level, awarded by the Romanian Statistical Society and for the contribution to the work Get to know Romania – Member of the European Union – 2007; Diploma of excellence for the promotion of statistical culture, awarded by the Romanian Statistical Society – 2008.

Mihaela-Angelica Cărbunaru-Băcescu was Corresponding Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, member of the Romanian Society of Statistics, full member of the Cybernetics Commission of the Romanian Academy, member of the Romanian Society of Regional Sciences.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists deeply regrets the death of the distinguished lady Mihaela-Angelica Cărbunaru-Băcescu, whom we are saying goodbye to too soon!