Workshop “Best practices for PhD students, post-docs and young researchers”


We have the great honour to invite you to participate in the workshop “Best practices for PhD students, post-docs and  young researchers“, organized under the aegis of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest and the Academy of Romanian Scientists, within the project “Training PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to acquire applied research skills – SMART”, code MySMIS 153734 (co-financed by the Human Capital Operational Programme) by POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, in partnership with Energy Policy Group Association.

The event will take place online on 26.07.2023, starting at 16:00 via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Through this workshop we aim to create a framework for dialogue and collaboration between researchers from several universities and research institutes, thus facilitating possible future large-scale collaborations that could contribute to increasing the visibility and international impact of Romanian research results in the research areas targeted by the project.

Please confirm your availability to attend this event. Hoping that you will be able to join our event, we look forward to hearing from you.

With special consideration,

Workshop moderators:
Prof. dr. eng. Augustin SEMENESCU
Prof. dr. eng. Valentin NĂVRĂPESCU
Prof. dr. eng. Lucian Ionel CIOCA

Contact person:
Mihaela TOMA
+4021 402 92 56