Workshop_ROSSM_2024 – Safety and health at work / Safe and healthy work


In the series of events marking the Days of the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi – 2024, the Center for Occupational Safety and Health of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of Iasi, together with the Faculty of Engineering of the University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, under the aegis of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Commission for Safety and Health at Work, organizes the scientific event

Safety and Health at Work / Safe and Healthy Work
The event will take place on-line, on, starting at 17:00, via the Google Meet platform.

We have the honor to invite you to participate in the workshop “Safety and Health at Work / Safe and Healthy Work”, an event in line with the current concerns of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

Through this scientific event we want to contribute to highlighting the impact area “Safe and Healthy Work” within the field of “Safety and Health at Work”, by creating a framework for national dialog between researchers from universities and national R&D institutes for possible future collaborations with national and international projects.

Workshop moderators:
Prof. univ. dr. eng. Costică BEJINARIU – Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași
Director, Center for Occupational Safety and Health

Prof. univ. dr. eng. Lucian-Ionel CIOCA – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Full Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists

Contact person:
Alin-Marian CAZAC –