Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România

AcasăEvenimenteThe RO-SCUD Program, Launched at the “Carol I” Central University Library

The RO-SCUD Program, Launched at the “Carol I” Central University Library

Science, Culture, Diplomacy: Factors of Sustainable Development and International Cooperation

On March 5, 2025, at the Carol I Hall of the Central University Library, the „Science-Culture-Diplomacy Program for Romania” (RO-SCUD) was launched. The program was conceived and initiated by the Academy of Romanian Scientists and is partnered with two major Romanian universities: the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the “I.L. Caragiale” National University of Theatre and Cinematography. The event was attended by a distinguished audience, including personalities from the academic and public spheres, representatives of emblematic international institutions, scientists, and cultural figures.

The event was moderated by Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the initiator of the RO-SCUD Program, alongside the following figures at the Presidium: Prof. Dr. Nicolae Istudor, Rector of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Prof. Dr. Liviu Lucaci, Rector of the “I.L. Caragiale” National University of Theatre and Cinematography, Prof. Dr. Viorel Jinga, Rector of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vice-President of AOSR, Prof. Dr. Ioan Cristescu, General Director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature, and Conf. Dr. Mireille Rădoi, General Director of the “Carol I” Central University Library.

The RO-SCUD program opens a series of initiatives, programs and projects launched by the Academy of Romanian Scientists in 2025, dedicated to the celebration of the institution’s 90 years of existence (established in March 1935 by Professor Constantin Angelescu, an honorary member of the Romanian Academy, a prominent personality in medical science and political life, and Minister of Public Instruction). The RO-SCUD Program addresses Science, Culture and Diplomacy as factor of sustainable development in Romania, supported by new technologies and as vectors of cooperation in the European and international space. Among its main objectives, the program aims to initiate and support bilateral, regional, European, and global programs and projects; develop bilateral and multi-institutional partnerships nationally and internationally; disseminate successful initiatives and important achievements; promote personalities from Romania’s scientific and cultural life; and reinforce and restore in both national and international consciousness Romania’s authentic values that have contributed to the development of science and culture worldwide. The RO-SCUD Program is part of the major national and international projects of AOSR dedicated to science and research, alongside two other major programs: “Digital Transformation in Science” and “Romania of Knowledge”, which are currently underway.

In a welcoming speech, Conf. Dr. Mireille Rădoi stated that the RO-SCUD Program is inherently transdisciplinary, a promising feature in an era of trans disciplinarity and collaboration across knowledge fields. She praised the partnership between the “Carol I” Central University Library and the Academy of Romanian Scientists as a framework for academic, scientific, and cultural cooperation with remarkable results. The launch of the RO-SCUD Program takes place under the best auspices of Romanian history, culture and civilization, at a significant moment for the “Carol I” Central University Library and our culture: the 130th anniversary of the inauguration of the Carol I University Foundation (March 14, 1895).

Prof. Dr. Eng. Doina Banciu, President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, stated that through its history, activities and programs, AOSR promotes excellence in science and research. A remarkable fact is that among its honorary members are eight Nobel laureates. In the year when AOSR celebrates its 90th anniversary, the Academy opens the agenda of scientific manifestations dedicated to this historic and academic jubilee with the launch of the “Science-Culture-Diplomacy Program for Romania” (RO-SCUD), which can become a true National Program. In the Age of Knowledge and Digital Technology, Science is a driver of general, societal and economic development, a process in which the scientific community must have a say. Culture is crucial for national, regional, and European identity, acting as a unifying force for international collaboration. In a world full of events that impact our lives and major changes, Diplomacy plays a primary role in various forms, with a focus on scientific, economic, cultural, and human diplomacy, as a means of dialogue, cooperation, and construction. The RO-SCUD Program aims to promote real values from all fields and position Romania where it belongs in the world. The program will create regional partnerships in this part of Europe and will serve as a framework for collaboration and development through its key components: Science, Culture and Diplomacy as vectors of progress.

Prof. Dr. Viorel Jinga, Rector of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vice-President of AOSR, emphasized that within the comprehensive framework of the RO-SCUD Program, medical diplomacy can play an important role in supporting global health promotion efforts and collaboration. In the same context, cooperation in medical research is a priority. Prof. Dr. Nicolae Istudor, Rector of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, underlined the importance of economic diplomacy and international cooperation in today’s world and within the ASE’s (Bucharest University of Economic Studies) priorities, as a prestigious academic institution in Romania, defined by advanced knowledge. Economic diplomacy and cooperation at the intergovernmental and international levels are also central themes within the RO-SCUD Program, where the Bucharest University of Economic Studies holds the status of a partner. Prof. Dr. Liviu Lucaci, Rector of the “I.L. Caragiale” National University of Theatre and Cinematography, spoke about the importance of cultural diplomacy, culture and art in societal development and the evolution of civilization. Culture shapes identity, rebuilds and strengthens social fabric, and provides responses to the challenges of today’s world. He referred to the 2024 UNESCO Conference in Abu Dhabi, themed “Education through Culture,” as a key reference point in shaping the future and building society. Culture, art, and theatre are means of education in a process of social importance. They provide young people, who predominantly live in an audiovisual world, with antidotes to fake news and manipulation. Art brings people together, uniting them, preventing social atomization. Rector Liviu Lucaci also mentioned the programs developed by the National University of Theatre and Cinematography in the spirit of education through art and culture, one of which is “UNATC Caravan for Romanians abroad”. In this broader context, UNATC’s involvement in the RO-SCUD Program will be substantial, playing a key role in its structure and objectives.

Prof. Dr. Ioan Cristescu, General Director of the National Museum of Romanian Literature, stated that the RO-SCUD Program was born from the need to develop collaboration between Science, Culture and Diplomacy, which are essentially interdependent, a relationship that over time has weakened. Romanian society is not lacking in ideas but struggles with their practical implementation. The RO-SCUD Program is built on practical foundations, which is why it meets an existing need. Professor Cristescu mentioned Titu Maiorescu, whose 185th birth anniversary on February 15 was celebrated at MNLR (National Museum of Romanian Literature), as the first practical spirit of Romanian culture, one who identified the needs of Romanian society and sought to implement them. He further stated that the focus should not only be on information and training but also on professionalization. We need professionals in science, culture and diplomacy, in scientific, academic and cultural diplomacy, to be competitive in international rankings, in a global framework where competitions are won only through professionalism.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Adrian Badea, Honorary President of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, referred to AOSR’s “Romania of Knowledge” Program, launched in May 2024 at the BCU (Central University Library) Hall, as a landmark and a framework for extensive institutional collaboration (over 40 partner institutions), under the vision and goal: “Victory of Knowledge over Ignorance”. Regarding the RO-SCUD Program, Science, Culture and Diplomacy are vectors of sustainable development, a process that requires a paradigm shift and greater involvement of the spiritual coordinate. Through culture, young people can distinguish truth and value from what is false, while diplomacy, in various forms, contributes to development and evolution. Prof. Dr. Eng. Anton Hadăr, Vice-President of AOSR, stated that the RO-SCUD Program could offer solutions to decision-makers in key areas such as finance, health, and culture. Considering its vision, objectives, partners, and collaboration prospects, the Program has every chance of success.

A special guest at the launch event was Mrs. Laure Castin, Regional Director (Central and Eastern Europe) of the The Francophone University Agency (AUF). She spoke about the necessity of global diplomacy encompassing cultural, scientific and political aspects. AUF works to bring the academic environment closer to public decision-makers, through its network capable of mobilizing experts from five continents. Initially, a network of 1,100 higher education and research institutions, AUF created nearly 40 disciplinary networks within the Francophone world. After the health crisis caused by the pandemic, there was a disconnection between the academic and diplomatic worlds. AUF aims to bridge these two environments through diplomacy that is global and values-driven. AUF promotes innovation, mobility programs for master’s and doctoral students, young professionals’ integration, artificial intelligence issues, climate change, and gender equality. In conclusion, Mrs. Laure Castin mentioned that AUF will support the RO-SCUD program, which has an interdisciplinary character.

The launch of the RO-SCUD Program, initiated by the Academy of Romanian Scientists, on its 90th anniversary, created an academic environment affirming the fundamental importance of Science, Culture and Diplomacy in societal development, identity recognition, and international dialogue and collaboration. The program promises to become an elite framework for ideas, creative and innovative spirit, knowledge transfer, constructive dialogue, diplomacy and cooperation at both regional and international levels. Based on the vision that generated it, its objectives, actions, partners, potential, and prospects, the RO-SCUD Program can indeed become a true National Program.

Communication and Public Relations Office of the Academy of Romanian Scientists

